There’s No Planet B - Earth Pin
There’s No Planet B - Earth Pin
Oh, you think a backup Earth is waiting for us? Spoiler alert: there's not. This pin is a cheeky reminder that the only home we've got is the one we've been neglecting and pretending it doesn't exist. With a playful nod to "Plan B," the text "There's no Planet B" is a call to action about the urgency of taking care of our planet — because we can't just toss it aside and choose another one when things go south.
This pin is a mini-speech for sustainability, conservation, and environmentalism rolled up into one cute package. It's the perfect accessory for anyone tired of ignoring the reality of climate change.
Pin it on your jacket or tote and remind people that we've got one shot at this — let's not waste it. Get it, wear it, and ensure there's a planet worth saving.